Friday, November 13, 2009

Device Security

Device security has two main aspects:
  • Physical security
  • Logical security

Physical Security

Physical security involves figuring out the potential physical threats to devices and then devising ways to prevent them from affecting network operations. Although it is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of measures to take to ensure this kind of security, the following sections address some important issues to consider when locating a network.

Redundant Locations

Although this might be overkill for some networks, for networks with rigorous security measures, it is often necessary to have a backup or redundant network in a physical location that is completely separate from the primary network. This can also take the shape of splitting up the load on the primary system and routing some of the services to a secondary system that is geographically far away from the primary system. In the case of an outage of the primary system, the secondary system can take over the functioning of the primary system, and vice versa.

Ideally, the physical locations should be separated sufficiently from each other to ensure that natural calamities such as earthquakes and floods affect only one of them at a time rather than hitting both of them at once. However, because distance can also add a certain element of uncertainty in the connection between the two sites, such geographically distant systems need to be extensively tested before deployment and periodically tested afterward to ensure efficient switchover during a failure event.

Network Topographical Design

A network's topographical design can mean a lot to its survival in case of a physical attack on it. It is desirable to have a star topology for networks with a redundant core to minimize the effect of an attack carried out on a link between two components of the network. If all the network's components are connected in series to each other, disrupting service between any two means disrupting it between two potentially large segments of the network. Perhaps the most resilient design is that of a fully meshed network in which every network node is directly connected to every other node. However, this type of network can be expensive to build. When set up in this way, a network node can still have connectivity to the rest of the network even if one or more of its direct links goes down. The redundancy built into the network topology ensures a great deal of stability and consequent security. Figure 3-1 shows three main types of network topological designs seen from the perspective of network resilience.

Secure Location of the Network

There are two main aspects to consider when choosing a secure location to put the main components of a network:
  • Finding a location that is sufficiently segregated from the rest of the office infrastructure to make physical intrusions obvious
  • A location that is contained within a larger facility so that the security aspects of the larger facility can be used
These two guidelines seem to be at a tangent to each other. However, a good secure location often is a compromise between complete segregation (expensive) and complete integration (security risks).

To secure a location, you can follow these guidelines, among others:
  • Restrict access to all networking equipment. Use locks and digital access authorization mechanisms to authenticate people before entering. Log access.
  • Use monitoring cameras at entrances as well as in wiring closets of data centers.
  • Conduct regular physical security audits to ensure that security breaches are not being risked. Trivial habits such as propping open a door instead of letting it lock can be a substantial security risk. It is important to realize that although a closed door might not be the only means to stop access to devices, it is an important line of defense.

Choosing Secure Media

Perhaps the days are gone when attackers needed physical access to attack a network. Presently, attackers find it much easier to compromise a trusted system and then use that system to eavesdrop on a network. However, physical eavesdropping on a cable can still be used to listen in on privileged communication or as a means to get further access. Among the current cabling mechanisms in place, perhaps the most difficult to eavesdrop on is the optical fiber. Coaxial cables and twisted pairs are easier to wiretap and also radiate energy that can be used to eavesdrop. Any type of cable can be made more secure by enclosing it in a secure medium and wiring it such that it is not possible to damage or access the cabling easily.

Power Supply

Although data is the lifeblood of a network, it can flow only if there is power to run the machines through which it passes. It is important to do the following:
  • Properly design the network locations' power supply so that all equipment gets adequate power without overburdening any power systems.
  • Have a backup power supply source not only to manage an outage for the whole facility but also to have redundant power supplies for individual devices.

Environmental Factors

It is important to secure a network facility against environmental factors. Attackers can exploit these factors to cause significant disruption to a network. Here are some of the environmental factors you should keep in mind while scrutinizing a network facility for security vulnerabilities:
  • Fire
  • Earthquakes, storms, and other such natural calamities
Although some of these factors, such as fire, can be guarded against to some extent, the only real solution to protecting the network functionality and data is to have a redundant solution in place, ready to take over form and function in case one of these calamities strikes.

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