Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Secure LAN Switching

Port Authentication and Access Control Using the IEEE 802.1x Standard

802.1x is the standard developed by IEEE to provide a mechanism for authentication to occur for devices that connect to various Layer 2 devices such as switches using IEEE 802 LAN infrastructures (such as Token Ring and Ethernet).

The primary idea behind the standard is devices that need to access the LAN need to be authenticated and authorized before they can connect to the physical or logical port of the switch that is responsible for creating the LAN environment. In the case of Ethernet and Token Ring, the ports are physical entities that a device plugs into. However, in the case of setups such as the IEEE 802.11b wireless setup, the ports are logical entities known as associations. In either case, the standard's primary goal is to allow for controlled access to the LAN environment.

802.1x Entities

The 802.1x standard defines the following three main entities that take part in the access control method set up in this standard:
  • Supplicant— This device needs to access the LAN. An example is a laptop that needs to connect to a LAN.
  • Authenticator— This device is responsible for initiating the authentication process and then acting as a relay between the actual authentication server and the supplicant. This device is generally also the device that is responsible for the overall workings of the LAN. An example of this type of device is a Catalyst 6000 switch to which various supplicants can connect and be authenticated and authorized via the 802.1x standard before being allowed to use the ports on the switch for data traffic.
  • Authentication server— This device is responsible for doing the actual authentication and authorization on behalf of the authenticator. This device contains profile information for all the users of the network in a database format. It can use that information to authenticate and authorize users to connect to the ports on the authenticator. An example of an authentication server is the Cisco Secure ACS.

In addition to these three main entities, the 802.1 defines some other entities as well. One of these is the Port Access Entity (PAE). The PAE is essentially responsible for maintaining the functionality of the 802.1x standard on the authenticator or the supplicant or both. It can be viewed as the daemon that is responsible for the functioning of the 802.1x standard. For our purposes, we will assume that this entity is transparent to the network administrator as we talk about various aspects of this standard.

802.1x Communications

In order for the 802.1x standard to function, communication needs to occur between the three entities just defined. 802.1x protocol uses an RFC standard known as Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) to facilitate this communication. The authentication data between the three entities is exchanged using EAP packets that are carried either in EAPOL frames (between the supplicant and the authenticator, as discussed later) or in TACACS+, RADIUS, or some other such protocol's packets (between the authenticator and the authenticating server). The following sections look at each of these pieces and discuss how they come together to form the 802.1x communication infrastructure.


EAP is a fairly flexible protocol. It was originally designed to carry only PPP authentication parameters, but it also can be used by other protocols such as 802.1x for their authentication needs.

EAP can carry authentication data between two entities that want to set up authenticated communications between themselves. It supports a variety of authentication mechanisms, including one-time password, MD5 hashed username and password, and transport layer security (discussed later). EAP, using the packets described in the next section, allows the authenticator, the supplicant, and the authentication server to exchange the information they need to exchange to authenticate the supplicant.

RFC 2284 defines the EAP packet format as shown in Figure 5-4.


We have looked at EAP, which is the underlying 802.1x protocol. But we have not looked at how EAP messages are actually framed and transported from the supplicant to the authenticator. The 802.1x defines an encapsulating/framing standard to allow communication between the supplicant and the authenticator to take place. This encapsulation mechanism is known as EAP Over LANs (EAPOL). EAPOL encapsulation is defined separately for both the Token Ring and Ethernet environments. EAPOL allows the EAP messages to be encapsulated using the EAPOL frames for transport between the supplicant and the authenticator. As soon as these frames reach the authenticator, it strips off the EAPOL headers, puts the EAP packet in a RADIUS or TACACS+ (or some other similar protocol) packet, and sends it to the authenticating server. Figure 5-6 shows the relationship between the supplicant and the authenticator using EAPOL.

802.1x Functionality

This section puts together all the pieces of the 802.1x protocol discussed in the preceding sections and summarizes how 802.1x provides port authentication to supplicants.

The 802.1x functionality is based on a series of exchanges between the supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server. The authenticator plays an important role in these exchanges because it not only acts as a go-between for the supplicant and the authenticating server but also is responsible for enabling the port to which the supplicant is trying to connect for normal data traffic if the authentication is indeed successful.

The authentication process starts with the supplicant trying to connect to one of the ports on the authenticator. At this point, the port is open only for EAPOL traffic. The authenticator sees the port's operational state change to enable due to the supplicant's connecting to it and requests authentication from the supplicant. This is done by sending an EAP-Request/Identity frame to the supplicant. This message is sent encapsulated in an EAPOL frame. The supplicant responds by sending back an EAP-Response/Identity frame containing information about its identity, such as username/password. This message is also sent encapsulated in an EAPOL frame. The authenticator decapsulates the EAP message from the EAPOL frame and repackages this EAP frame in a RADIUS or TACACS+ packet and forwards it to the authentication server. The authentication server, upon receiving this packet, responds with an EAP-Response message that is based on the authentication method that the authentication server wants to use for this particular supplicant. This message is encapsulated in a TACACS+ or RADIUS packet. Upon receiving this message, the authenticator strips off the TACACS+/RADIUS header, encapsulates the EAP message in an EAPOL frame, and forwards it to the supplicant. This back-and-forth EAP exchange between the supplicant and the authentication server via the authenticator continues until the authentication either succeeds or fails, as indicated by an EAP-Success or EAP-Failure message sent by the authentication server to the supplicant. Upon seeing an EAP-Success message, the authenticator enables the port on which the supplicant is connected for normal data traffic. In addition to enabling the port for this type of traffic, the authenticator can place the port in a specific VLAN based on the information it receives from the authentication server. Figure 5-9 shows the overall 802.1x architecture and flow using EAP over EAPOL and EAP over TACACS+/RADIUS.