Monday, March 15, 2010

Secure LAN Switching

In order to provide comprehensive security on a network, it is important take the concept of security to the last step and ensure that the Layer 2 devices such as the switches that manage the LANs are also operating in a secure manner.

This chapter focuses on the Cisco Catalyst 5000/5500 series switches. We will discuss private VLANs in the context of the 6000 series switches. Generally, similar concepts can be implemented in other types of switches (such as the 1900, 2900, 3000, and 4000 series switches) as well.

Security on the LAN is important because some security threats can be initiated on Layer 2 rather than at Layer 3 and above. An example of one such attack is one in which a compromised server on a DMZ LAN is used to connect to another server on the same segment despite access control lists on the firewall connected on the DMZ. Because the connection occurs at Layer 2, without suitable measures to restrict traffic on this layer, this type of access attempt cannot be blocked.

General Switch and Layer 2 Security

Some of the basic rules to keep in mind when setting up a secure Layer 2 switching environment are as follows:

  • VLANs should be set up in ways that clearly separate the network's various logical components from each other. VLANs lend themselves to providing segregation between logical workgroups. This is a first step toward segregating portions of the network needing more security from portions needing lesser security. It is important to have a good understanding of what VLANs are. VLANs are a logical grouping of devices that might or might not be physically located close to each other.
  • If some ports are not being used, it is prudent to turn them off as well as place them in a special VLAN used to collect unused ports. This VLAN should have no Layer 3 access.
  • Although devices on a particular VLAN cannot access devices on another VLAN unless specific mechanisms for doing so (such as trunking or a device routing between the VLANs) are set up, VLANs should not be used as the sole mechanism for providing security to a particular group of devices on a VLAN. VLAN protocols are not constructed with security as the primary motivator behind them. The protocols that are used to establish VLANs can be compromised rather easily from a security perspective and allow loopholes into the network. As such, other mechanisms such as those discussed next should be used to secure them.
  • Because VLANs are not a security feature, devices at different security levels should be isolated on separate Layer 2 devices. For example, having the same switch chassis on both the inside and outside of a firewall is not recommended. Two separate switches should be used for the secure and insecure sides of the firewall.
  • Unless it is critical, Layer 3 connectivity such as Telnets and HTTP connections to a Layer 2 switch should be restricted and very limited.
  • It is important to make sure that trunking does not become a security risk in the switching environment. Trunks should not use port numbers that belong to a VLAN that is in use anywhere on the switched network. This can erroneously allow packets from the trunk port to reach other ports located in the same VLAN. Ports that do not require trunking should have trunking disabled. An attacker can use trunking to hop from one VLAN to another. The attacker can do this by pretending to be another switch with ISL or 802.1q signaling along with Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP). This allows the attacker's machine to become a part of all the VLANs on the switch being attacked. It is generally a good idea to set DTP on all ports not being used for trunking. It's also a good idea to use dedicated VLAN IDs for all trunks rather than using VLAN IDs that are also being used for nontrunking ports. This can allow an attacker to make itself part of a trunking VLAN rather easily and then use trunking to hop onto other VLANs as well.

Generally, it is difficult to protect against attacks launched from hosts sitting on a LAN. These hosts are often considered trusted entities. As such, if one of these hosts is used to launch an attack, it becomes difficult to stop it. Therefore, it is important to make sure that access to the LAN is secured and is provided only to trusted people.

Some of the features we will discuss in the upcoming sections show you ways to further secure the switching environment.

The discussion in this chapter revolves around the use of Catalyst 5xxx and 6xxx switches. The same principles can be applied to setting up security on other types of switches.

Port Security

Port security is a mechanism available on the Catalyst switches to restrict the MAC addresses that can connect via a particular port of the switch. This feature allows a specific MAC address or a range of MAC addresses to be defined and specified for a particular port. A port set up for port security only allows machines with a MAC address belonging to the range configured on it to connect to the LAN. The port compares the MAC address of any frame arriving on it with the MAC addresses configured in its allowed list. If the address matches, it allows the packet to go through, assuming that all other requirements are met. However, if the MAC address does not belong to the configured list, the port can either simply drop the packet (restrictive mode) or shut itself down for a configurable amount of time. This feature also lets you specify the number of MAC addresses that can connect to a certain port.

MAC Address Floods and Port Security

Port security is especially useful in the face of MAC address flooding attacks. In these attacks, an attacker tries to fill up a switch's CAM tables by sending a large number of frames to it with source MAC addresses that the switch is unaware of at that time. The switch learns about these MAC addresses and puts them in its CAM table, thinking that these MAC addresses actually exist on the port on which it is receiving them. In reality, this port is under the attacker's control and a machine connected to this port is being used to send frames with spoofed MAC addresses to the switch. If the attacker keeps sending these frames in a large-enough quantity, and the switch continues to learn of them, eventually the switch's CAM table becomes filled with entries for these bogus MAC addresses mapped to the compromised port.

Under normal operations, when a machine receiving a frame responds to it, the switch learns that the MAC address associated with that machine sits on the port on which it has received the response frame. It puts this mapping in its CAM table, allowing it to send any future frames destined for this MAC address directly to this port rather than flood all the ports on the VLAN. However, in a situation where the CAM table is filled up, the switch is unable to create this CAM entry. At this point, when the switch receives a legitimate frame for which it does not know which port to forward the frame to, the switch floods all the connected ports belonging to the VLAN on which it has received the frame. The switch continues to flood the frames with destination addresses that do not have an entry in the CAM tables to all the ports on the VLAN associated with the port it is receiving the frame on. This causes two main problems:
  • Network traffic increases significantly due to the flooding done by the switch. This can result in a denial of service (DoS) for legitimate users of the switched network.
  • The attacker can receive frames that are being flooded by the switch and use the information contained in them for various types of attacks.

Figure 5-1 shows how MAC address flooding can cause CAM overflow and subsequent DoS and traffic analysis attacks.

Figure 5-1 shows a series of steps that take place to orchestrate a MAC address flooding attack. Given below is the list of steps that takes place as shown in the Figure 5-1:

Step 1. A compromised machine is attached to port 4. Frames sourced from fictitious MAC address denoted by G, H, E and F etc. are sent on the port 4. The actual MAC address of the compromised machine is denoted by D.

Step 2. Due to the flooding of frames on port 4, the CAM table of the switch fills up and it is unable to 'learn' any more MAC address and port mappings.

Step 3. A host situated on port 1 with a MAC address denoted by A, sends a frame sourced from the MAC address A to MAC address B. The switch is unable to learn and associate port 1 with the MAC address A since its CAM table is full.

Step 4. Host on port 3 with a MAC address denoted by C sends a frame to MAC address A. Since the switch does not have an entry in its CAM table for A, it floods the frame to all its ports in that VLAN. This results in flooding causing DOS as well as an opportunity for traffic analysis by the attacker who receives the flooded frames on port 4 as well.

IP Permit Lists

IP permit lists are used to restrict Telnet, SSH, HTTP, and SNMP traffic from entering the switch. This feature allows IP addresses to be specified that are allowed to send these kinds of traffic to the switch.

The configuration shown in Example 5-3 on a switch enables the ip permit list feature and then restricts Telnet access to the switch from the subnet and SNMP access from only. The host,, is allowed to have both types of access to the switch.

IP permit lists are an essential feature to configure on a switch in situations where Layer 3 access to the switch is needed. As stated earlier, Layer 3 access to a switch should remain fairly limited and controlled.