Wednesday, January 20, 2010

PIX Firewall Security

The PIX, being a security-specific device, is fairly robust from a security perspective. This section talks about some of the important techniques you can use to make the firewall even more secure from a device perspective. The earlier section "Router Security" talks about the reasons for having most of these safeguards, so I will not repeat them here but rather will concentrate on the actual implementations.

Configuration Management

Managing a configuration away from the PIX box in case of an attack is important. PIX allows configurations to be saved on a TFTP server via the write net command. The write net command writes the PIX configuration to a TFTP server specified by the tftp-server command.

The configuration should be saved regularly and after all changes are made to the PIX setup. It is prudent to save the PIX images to a server as well.

Care needs to be taken with where the TFTP server resides, because the PIX as of version 6.2.1 does not have the concept of a source interface. Therefore, it is possible to misconfigure the PIX and send management-related traffic through a lower-security interface and possibly over an untrusted network.

Controlling Access to the PIX

The PIX Firewall can be accessed in two primary ways:
  • vty port
  • TTY console

vty access via Telnet ports is the most common way to access a PIX Firewall for administrative purposes. PIX can be accessed from the inside network via plain-text Telnet. However, to access it from the outside interface, an IPsec client needs to be set up to initiate a VPN connection to the PIX using IPsec.

Telnet access needs to be restricted to certain addresses to ensure security. Example 3-28 shows how restricted Telnet access can be set up on a PIX Firewall.

Switch Security

For the purpose of our discussion here, I will concentrate on the Catalyst 5500 switches. Similar mechanisms can be used to set up security on other types of switches. Switches perform most of their functions at Layer 2 of the OSI model. They often do not participate in Layer 3 and above operations actively. Consequently, access to switches through various Layer 3 and above functions such as Telnet and rsh is very limited. This provides for switch security as well. This section looks at some of the mechanisms you can put into place to further strengthen switch security.


Ensuring that the devices that are responsible for regulating traffic in a network are themselves secure is critical to ensuring the security of the overall network infrastructure. This chapter looked at some of the basic physical and logical measures you can take to ensure the security of network devices. Special consideration was given to three main components of a secure network: routers, switches, and PIX Firewalls. Specific features available to protect routers, switches, and firewalls were discussed. The use and abuse of various features available on these devices were also described. Having discussed the features that protect these devices from attacks, this chapter built the foundation for discussing the various security features available on these devices to protect the network of which they are a component.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Password Management

The best place for passwords is on an authentication server. But some passwords still might need to be configured on the router itself. It is important to ensure that these passwords are properly encrypted to be secure from prying eyes (people looking over the network administrator's shoulder as he or she works on a configuration). It is important to configure an enable secret on the router (rather than a plain password known simply as the enable password) to get administrative access to the box. The enable secret uses MD5 to encrypt the password, and the hash is extremely difficult to reverse. Example 3-12 shows its usage.

Cisco IOS version 12.2(8) T introduced the enhanced password security feature. It allows MD5 encryption for username passwords to be configured. Before this feature was introduced, two types of passwords were associated with usernames: type 0, which is a clear-text password visible to any user who has access to privileged mode on the router, and type 7, which has a password with a weak type of encryption. Type 7 passwords can be retrieved from encrypted text by using publicly available tools. Example 3-12 shows how this new feature can be implemented.

It is also important to ensure that the rest of the passwords on the box, such as CHAP passwords, are also encrypted so that a casual view of the configuration does not reveal them. You can do this using the service password-encryption command, as shown in Example 3-12. The catch with this command is that it uses type 7 encryption rather than the MD5 hash used by enable secret commands. This type of encryption is weaker and easier to crack than MD5 encryption. Password encryption set up using this command is applied to all passwords, including username passwords, authentication key passwords, the privileged command password, console and virtual terminal line access passwords, and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor passwords. However, note that with the introduction of the new feature discussed in the preceding section, usernames and their corresponding passwords can now be hidden using MD5 hashing.

Using Loopback Interfaces

Loopback interfaces can play an important part in securing a device against attacks. Generally, any router is dependent on a series of services for which it has to access other routers and servers. It is important to make sure that those servers to which the router goes to get certain information accept connections only from a very small block of trusted IP addresses. Considering the entire private addressing scheme as secure can be dangerous as well. Loopbacks can play a vital role in making this happen. A block of IP addresses can be assigned to be used by loopback, and then all routers can be forced to use these loopback IP addresses as source addresses when accessing the servers. The servers can then also be locked down to allow access only from this block of IP addresses.

Some examples of servers to which access can be restricted in this manner are SNMP, TFTP, TACACS, RADIUS, Telnet, and syslog servers. Example 3-14 lists the commands required to force the router to use the IP address on the loopback0 interface as the source address when sending packets to the respective servers.

Controlling SNMP as a Management Protocol

Device and network management protocols are important to maintain any network. However, these services can be used as back doors to gain access to routers and/or get information about the devices. The attacker can then use this information to stage an attack.

SNMP is the most commonly used network management protocol. However, it is important to restrict SNMP access to the routers on which it is enabled. On routers on which it is not being used, you should turn it off using the command shown in Example 3-15.

Example 3-15. Disabling SNMP on a Router

no snmp-server


SNMP v3 as defined in RFCs 2271 through 2275 provides guidelines for secure implementation of the SNMP protocol. RFC 2271 defines the following as the four major threats against SNMP that SNMP v3 attempts to provide some level of protection against:

  • Modification of information— The modification threat is the danger that some unauthorized entity might alter in-transit SNMP messages generated on behalf of an authorized user in such a way as to effect unauthorized management operations, including falsifying an object's value.
  • Masquerade— The masquerade threat is the danger that management operations not authorized for a certain user might be attempted by assuming the identity of a user who has the appropriate authorization.
  • Disclosure— The disclosure threat is the danger of eavesdropping on exchanges between managed agents and a management station. Protecting against this threat might be required as a matter of local policy.
  • Message stream modification— The SNMP protocol is typically based on a connectionless transport service that may operate over any subnetwork service. The reordering, delay, or replay of messages can and does occur through the natural operation of many such subnetwork services. The message stream modification threat is the danger that messages might be maliciously reordered, delayed, or replayed to a greater extent than can occur through the natural operation of a subnetwork service to effect unauthorized management operations.

Protection Against Attacks

SNMP v3 aims to protect against these types of attacks by providing the following security elements:

  • Message integrity— Ensuring that a packet has not been tampered with in transit.
  • Authentication— Determining that the message is from a valid source.
  • Encryption— Scrambling a packet's contents to prevent it from being seen by an unauthorized source.
Table 3-2 compares the levels of security provided by each of the SNMP protocols available on networks today.

Login Banners

A login banner is a useful place to put information that can help make the system more secure. Here are some do's and don'ts of what to put in a login banner:

  • A login banner should advertise the fact that unauthorized access to the system is prohibited. You can discuss the specific wording with legal counsel.
  • A login banner can also advertise the fact that access to the device will be tracked and monitored. This is a legal requirement in certain places. Again, legal counsel can help.
  • It is advisable not to include the word "welcome" in a banner.
  • It is inappropriate to include information that says anything about the operating system, hardware, or any logical configuration of the device. The least amount of information about the system's ownership and identity should be revealed.
  • Other notices to ward off criminal activity may also be included.

When a user connects to the router, the MOTD banner appears before the login prompt. After the user logs in to the router, the EXEC banner or incoming banner is displayed, depending on the type of connection. For a reverse Telnet login, the incoming banner is displayed. For all other connections, the router displays the EXEC banner.